8 research outputs found

    On the influence of magnetic mineralogy in the tectonic interpretation of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility in cataclastic fault zones

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    Of the several factors involved in the development of magnetic fabrics in fault zones at shallow crustal levels, lithology and deformation intensity have probably the most important consequences for the reconstruction of their kinematic history. The basement-involved Cenozoic thrusts in the Demanda Massif (N Spain) provide the opportunity for testing the applicability of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) to the study of deformation in cataclastic fault rocks belonging to shallow fault zones. The Rastraculos thrust is a relatively minor basement thrust (dip-slip movement of 2km defined from cross-sections and geological maps) of Cenozoic age. This thrust contains a re-activated fault zone involving different rock types both belonging to its hangingwall (Palaeozoic) and its footwall (Triassic sandstones and dolostones and Jurassic limestones). AMS results show magnetic foliations parallel or slightly oblique to the fault zone, and both transport-parallel (projected onto the foliation plane) and transport-perpendicular (parallel to the observed intersection lineation) magnetic lineations. The two types of strain/magnetic fabric relationships can be related to deformational and mineralogical features inferred from the direct analysis of thin and polished sections under the microscope and the naked eye, respectively. Analysis of fault rocks in the Rastraculos fault zone indicates that in cataclasites, magnetic fabrics are particularly dependent on lithology and hence magnetic mineralogy. The results obtained prove the usefulness of AMS in fault zones where kinematic indicators are scarce and also give clues on the number of samples necessary to define magnetic susceptibility axes, depending on grain size, ellipsoid shapes and magnetic mineralogy

    Evidence for the Permo-Triassic transtensional rifting in the Iberian Range (NE Spain) according to magnetic fabrics results

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    Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) techniques are applied to Permo-Triassic red beds from the Castilian Branch (Iberian Range, NE Spain) that were deposited in an extensional basin inverted during Cenozoic times. The main goal of this work is to characterize the tectonic evolution of the basinal stage by differentiating synsedimentary to early diagenetic magnetic fabrics from the secondary tectonic fabrics related to compression, which are scarcely developed because no penetrative structures related to compression have been recognized. Oblate magnetic fabrics, with k(min) axes perpendicular to bedding,are observed in most cases. Magnetic lineations are variable, showing a dominant ENE-WSW maximum, which fits with a dextral transtensional regime acting on NW-SE master faults during the Triassic. We propose that variations in the orientation of the magnetic lineation are associated with transfer faults which fragment the basin and trigger strain partitioning in different areas. Magnetic fabrics are locally modified by Cenozoic compression, with intermediate and minimum axes distributed along girdles perpendicular to fold axes. Comparing all these results with macrostructures and mesostructural kinematic indicators, we conclude that the fine-grained hematite-bearing rocks carry a consistent magnetic fabric which can be used to reconstruct the basin history. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Granitic magma formation, transport and emplacement in the Earth's Crust

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    The origin of granites was once a question solely for petrologists and geochemists. But in recent years a consensus has emerged that recognizes the essential role of deformation in the segregation, transport and emplacement of silica-rich melts in the continental crust. Accepted petrological models are being questioned, either because they require unrealistic rheological behaviours of rocks and magmas, or because they do not satisfactorily explain the available structural or geophysical data. Provided flow is continuous, mechanical considerations suggest that--far from being geologically sluggish--granite magmatism is a rapid, dynamic process operating at timescales of < or = 100,000 years, irrespective of tectonic setting